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¤†¤ Profile ¤†¤


Birth Name: Rahmor Fuerte

Age: 36


Status: Single


Height: 5'11

Weight: 170 lbs Fluctuates 5-10 pounds - / +


Eye: Amber/Tawny bronze eyes


Hair Color: Dark brown hair usually worn slicked and flattened to his skull.


Nationality :

Born under a Roman father who was also a Legionnaire. Before the conquering of Spain, his father fell in love with a Spaniard woman of noble birth and heritage. During the wars she offered his father aid with reports from her fathers lands including its resources that helped conquer Spain before Ceasars' reign. The lands that belonged to his mother and her father soon became his fathers' when they became married. They still remain alive in Spain itself where his father has retired from the Legion. Though his father did not reach the rank of General, he still was accredited as a high-ranking soldier. Rahmor was born intentionally in Italian lands whilst the couple spent time visiting his fathers relatives.



General Demeanor/Personality:

Rahmor has a tendency to be the silent type. He'll only truly speak and jest as himself amongst the squad of brethren whom he leads within the Legion. He is known to have his way with women, able to befriend the more beautiful of them with ease. And make many the more of them goosh and woo at his handsomeness and strength. He otherwise keeps to himself. Rarely would he be found in taverns but small arenas or other places of low public gathering. He is highly respected within the Legion he is assigned within and feels a lacking desire to enter the social life of the roman citizen. Bearing a rank high enough to lead his own squad, he favors it and the allowances it gives him without responsibility. It is known that he is religious to a certain extent, and in the same has a weaving of good traits within his personality. His ethics remain firm and loyal to the Legions' purpose and cause.


Flaws N Weaknesses:

He is a man, and such, a single one at that. Though he has aged through the years, he still has it within him to fall in love. And once in a while, allows himself to do that very thing.  He also is no longer in the prime of his years. Though with daily exercise and routine practice, skills that were in ideal in the prime days that were seen as luck and natural ability, have become skills, and honed reflexes that beg to be put again into use.

Occupation: Legionnaire of the Legio Nona Hispana (Ninth Spanish Legion)


Skills & Training:

Rahmor was sent into the Roman ranks of the Legion at the early agings of his adulthood. Not given any special treatment or tutors due to his fathers rank, but being given the same training as any other Legionnaire. After successfully becoming a Legionnaire, and after the first standard of years that were required to be served; a transfer was granted to be sent to Spain, and within the very legion his father once served in. Whilst in those lands. He picked up additional skills from those whom knew his father and remained in the same Legion. Spaniard kin were also discovered, and trained amongst. During such times, a two handed sword was taken into use. Finding that he had a particular knack for the long blade, he began to wield it along with his shorter blades, shield, and spear.

In time, he and his loyal squad of men began to make a name for themselves. And were sent upon tasks more suitable for disposable scouts. Disposable became a word that would not fit their abilities, and were seen as men so well trained that they were no longer sent on missions that would lead to their immediate death. But instead upon missions that would allow their skills to further the victories of Rome. The extent of these abilities are not to be put into public detail. Such would handicap their current missions.




Short Character Bio :

Rahmor had spent much of his younger life in the hardening battles beneath Ceasars' reign. Much of that time was spent on the fields, in battles, living by the codes of the Roman soldier. 

During such earnings, an estate in Spain was rewarded to him, and became a place that afforded him time with loved women whom he had acquired as slaves in his travels. Those were in the later years of his 20's. Since those years, he returned to that Estate less and less, and left it in the hands of retired Legionnaires of the Ninth to guard and upkeep as accommodating it as their home in honor for their duties.

More of his time was spent with the Ninth as it was sent to join Caesar near the British Isles. One of his excursions allowed him to be sent via a ramming vessel and more than just one squad of men to acquire grounds across from the Gaulic/Germanic lands. The scouting endeavor paid off as an alliance was made with the local natives through a tale not to be written upon any but one recording to this date. An outpost was built in time, its' current location remains a secret along with it's purpose there.

He currently remains in the ranks of the Ninth Legion. Sent out on patrols for the legion itself with his squad of hand-picked men. Rarely will you find him in the streets of Rome. The few times he is, it is reported that he arrives to sell captured enemy into the pens to become gladiators. Or to pilfer the blocks for a choice slave-girl.

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