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A past description of him written out a few years ago.
My style has decreased in skill since this has been written due to playing with lesser writers. Updated 8/2022

A lush dark cloak hung from the burl of his broad meaty shoulders. Shoulders laid and buffed with protruding round sinewy muscles that capered to the heavily-lazed swing of his arms. Arms that were darkened by the suns burning reach to a tone of ochroid richness. His torso for the most part was otherwise unhindered by clothing or tunic. He was known to be bare and bereft of any armor save for his Warbelt bearing pteruges, and his boots alone in truth. And at times of war or travel, his shield. Curls darkened the lower smotch of his curving pectorals that were filled with cordlike muscle beyond the ribbed cage of his chest. Muscles that loomed and provoked over the narrowing of his ribs just below. Abdominals were sleek, taut, and encased in the lure of a half-dozen chiseled plateaus that posed as walls of strength and natural defense.

If he wore not the cowl of his hood, a hood that was deep with shadow and easily concealed his features when it was necessary, then one could set their eyes upon the set of handsomely strong features he possessed. Flesh was of a tone that was darkened to an ochroid degree by the sun. A tone that would not get any darker. He kept himself cleanly shaven as was a habit engraved into him from his days serving in the military of his homeland. The military that had trained him to be the warrior that he was. Strong stoicness was his persona. A hardiness that had smeared into the handsome suaveness of his youth as age took its toll upon him. Eyes were a dark smotch of some shade of amber tone of brown. Much like the bark of trees. His hair was allowed to grow, yet was tied and bound as the thick strands that would curl when wet and soaked weighingly.

mantle at times concealed his upper physique, though one could see the bareness of his side and the abdominals of his gut beneath its hang that looped about the breadth of his shoulders. The brawn of his arms remained chiseled and thick with arguments of strength as they weighed at his sides in their lurking sway.

The heavy endrapement of his cloak was allowed to hang about from one globed shoulder to the next. His upper torso was broad and expansive with the guile of muscles that were thickened and routinely devised between and beneath the valor of a dark blue satin cloak that mirrored the rich night skies. It weighed concealingly over the left side of his physique.  Its’ travel-worn lengths to lick and drift against the rise of boots father below. 


During winter, his blade hung sheathed in its’ own cocoon of furs, slung over the burl of his right shoulder. The entombing weight of a few large hides hung over the opposing shoulders’ breadth. Tugging the furs weight around to his chest where one would be tucked beneath the other. The second upon the next till only one arm was usable to extend from its’ warmth alone. This style allowed him access to his sword as he was of a habit of keeping. These furs, in such numbers could in turn be put to use as an entombing robe if worn completely around him to ward off the cold of winter.


Beneath his cloak, he was of the habit of wearing no tunic, no fancy shirts. Perhaps he resembled the traits of barbarians by doing so or Spartans. Preferring to expose his flesh and the provocation of muscle. To taunt the eyes that looked upon him. To distract his foes with thoughts of their own inferior weaknesses. To leave his vital organs exposed, offering a target. To leave a weakness open and available. To ensure that a fight with him was fair. To ensure that if he was to die, it would be through the honor of battle, and not sleeping away in a ruining body by age or disease.

Thus, the routine exercises he put himself through on a daily basis were exposed, left revealed to the fantasizing eyes of women to ensure they'd be reminded of their own weaknesses that he could expose with a mere show of flesh. Yet beneath the layers of muscle and plains of taut flesh he wore the weighing embrace of a heavyset belt. It was laiden with several accouterments. A few branded blades of varying sizes and purposes. A handful of pouches, tied or bound in place that served varying purposes to one who was a sojourner.

From this War-Belt hung what to romans are known as pteruges. Belts of leather were attached to this war-belt. A curtain that concealed loins, and upper thighs as well as his backsides curve. Each was adorned with a set of medallions. Golden circlets enscribed with symbols. Etchings, maybe even faces of officials known to be on similar currency. When he moved, they were not silent. They easily enough chinked and slapped against one another as his thighs pressed against them. Causing them to rivulet and stream about and away from the threshold of muscles bound within flesh. Flesh darkened that shade by short-weaving hairs that gave all the more of an appeal of contour and shade upon particular angles and curve of muscles.

Even farther below, boots were worn. A slight variance from that of Rome or Sparta. For these boots were adorned with a set of armored plates along the front that were grooved to fit one over the other down and over the top of each foot. Each plate was engraved upon with similar creativity as was adorned upon the medallions hanging from above. Gold had been melted and painted into these grooves to give that trim and clarity of the rich taint that they had cost. They though were soft at the soles, unlike the armored boots of a knight. Leather clung to his flesh like a set of thick moccasins.

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